Do You Want To Discuss Dynasty Trusts?
January 1, 2024, marked exactly two years until the planned reduction by half of the current Applicable Exclusion Amount (“AEA”). The AEA is the amount that an individual can pass to anyone either during their life or at death before imposition of a transfer tax. For those needing a refresher, the Tax Relief Act of 2010 set the AEA at $5 million (adjusted for inflation) and the Tax Cuts and...

Rounding Off Employee Work Hours
Court OKs Employee Lawsuit Over ‘Rounded-Off’ Time
In order to foster more efficient payroll recordkeeping, employers have engaged in the practice of “rounding” hourly employees’ time up and down at the beginning and end of shifts for decades, going back to when people physically “punched in” by inserting a timesheet into a time clock. As our Fairfax, VA business litigation knows, this is...

Issue With AI For Job Screening
New York Case Highlights Risk Of AI As A Job-Screening Tool
Our Fairfax, VA business lawyer found a recent case from New York that provides two lessons to employers: that the use of artificial intelligence as a job-screening tool creates liability risk and that age discrimination is taken seriously. In May 2022, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission brought a complaint against...

Overtime For Salaried Workers
Department Of Labor Proposes Rule Extending Overtime To Salaried Workers
Employers everywhere should make note of a rule recently proposed by the U.S. Department of Labor that would guarantee overtime pay for millions of relatively low-paid, white-collar salaried workers. As our Washington, DC business litigation can tell you, current rules exempt salaried employees in executive,...

Impacts On Employer Labor Policies
Understanding 2024 NLRB Impacts On Employer Labor Policies
The National Labor Relations Board is charged with enforcing federal labor laws that protect the right of workers to organize for better pay and working conditions. In this role, the NLRB investigates and prosecutes private sector employers accused of violating these laws and interfering with the rights of workers to organize. As our...

Employee Retention Credit Scams
Businesses Warned Of Employee Retention Credit Scam
Promoters have been targeting businesses with inflated promises over the Employee Retention Credit (ERC), a tax credit designed to help businesses that were negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These so-called “ERC mills” often charge upfront fees for claim preparation and take a commission on any credit the business...

Small Businesses And Loans
SBA Loan Changes: Easier Access To Capital For Small Businesses
In an effort to bolster small businesses across the nation, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has introduced a number of significant changes to its loan programs. These changes are geared toward simplifying the application process and widening the avenues through which small businesses can secure capital, as your Fairfax, VA...

Unveiling The New Safe Harbor Policy
DOJ Announces New M&A Safe Harbor Policy
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced a new M&A Safe Harbor Policy to encourage acquiring companies to voluntarily self-disclose criminal misconduct discovered during the M&A process. As your trusted Fairfax, VA mergers and acquisitions lawyer knows, the policy provides a presumption of “declination to prosecute” for companies that...

The Impact Of The Corporate Transparency Act
Corporate Transparency Act Will Impact 32 Million Small Businesses
Effective January 1, 2024, nearly every legal entity incorporated or registered to do business in the United States will be required to report certain ownership information to the federal Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). As our Fairfax, VA business lawyer can tell you, the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) is...

FMLA Retaliation At School
School District Held Liable For FMLA Retaliation
The federal Family and Medical Leave Act entitles those who work for public employers or companies with at least 50 employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year to care for a new child or an immediate family member with a serious health condition, or to take medical leave when unable to work because of a health...